Songs of Joy - My Journey In Classical Voice

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Voice Lesson #28

So, festival is coming up in less than two weeks. I have one more lesson before it gets here. If I can sing my pieces as well as I do at my lessons, which is not great, I will be happy. The thing I think I'm most concerned about, is selling them. I have to relay the songs with my expressions, basically...become the character and convince the listener of what I am saying, through body language. It's performance on a whole new level for me. I am used to singing the songs that I write...but now, I am singing someone else's songs and have to translate them through the performance..not easy for me. Thinking about the character and breath support at the same time is no easy task. But, we'll go in there and I'll give it my best shot and see what happens. I still have a long road on this journey of learning classical voice, and there is always next years festival to show improvement. I am still struggling with singing in front of other people. Now, as y'all know, this was never a problem for me when I was singing incorrectly. It's only since I have begun classical voice that I have this issue. Maybe I am afraid to show that I can do it, who knows. I am still trying to figure it out. I WILL get past it though, I am sure of that. Even singing in front of my husband causes me problems with the technique. Maybe if I practice in front of him all the time, It will help. I tell my teacher all the time, "I can do it so much better than this!". Well, I'll just keep moving ahead and continue to practice and improve, and one of these days, it will come out at my lessons like it has never come out before and my teacher will be amazed! :) And I think then, we will move to a whole new level of singing and learning. I look forward to that day..I know it's coming! I am truly learning so much from my teacher, I just need to be able to show her. I thank and praise God, though, for the struggle I am having. If this was all a piece of cake, it wouldn't be much of a victory, would it? Failure and struggling is all part of learning something new. And as the saying goes, if it was easy, it wouldn't be worth doing. Thank you, Jesus, for the trials and the opportunity to learn, struggle, fail, and improve. And also for the wonderful people you have put in my life, on this journey of classical voice.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Voice Lesson #27

This weeks lesson was great, as usual! Not that I sang well, but always great info and instruction from my teacher! My middle range, the Passaggio area, is still giving me trouble. I suppose someday I will conquer it. I struggle there, with the chest tends to want to dominate. My muscles can't seem to figure out which way to go..head or chest..they need to go with head voice! I will keep practicing and plugging away at it, and one of these days, it'll work! I also realized at this weeks lesson, that I am limiting myself...I may even be limiting myself when I'm practicing at home too, not sure. I found with this weeks practice that when I really think about support and really apply that, what a difference! Support is everything...EVERYTHING, with classical voice! I cannot emphasize that enough. We worked also on the festival pieces, which are coming along.. they are better at home, but still coming along at lessons,too. I am still struggling with "selling" the songs. The performance is key at festival. The judges want to see me perform, not think about all of the technical. As my teacher said, I am there to be the characters singing the songs, not someone trying to show what I can do, technically. I am looking forward to this, I think it'll be a good experience for me. I am off next week, so will only have two more lessons before festival. Y'all have a wonderful week and remember to thank and praise God for all that He does for you, and allows you to do! He is an awesome GOD! Thank you, Jesus!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Voice Lesson #26

I'm sorry this lesson post has taken so long to get up, but I have had a bit of a stressful last few days. Anyway, my lesson was great! As usual, we went over plenty of info. We even got into acoustics, a bit. I still struggle with that Passaggio's a brute! My singing is definitely improving though, I just need to get better at singing at my lessons. Mentally though, it's good for me to hear improvement. Now, festival is coming up in just a few weeks. I have been planning on going, but 2 days ago I found out that I am going to have to have surgery, soon. I don't know when yet, but I'm hoping it is after festival. I really want to get this under my belt. I think singing for a judge, no matter how badly it might come out, is going to be good for me. My teacher and I have been working on the songs that I'll be performing, and that's a key word, performing! She told me that even if they don't come out well, I still have to sell them. The judge wants to see me perform, not think about the technical. I have to get that through my head! One thing I'm nervous about is that I won't be able to sing for several weeks, at least I assume that I won't, after my surgery. Classical voice uses all the ab muscles, and more! It's very physical, so I'm pretty sure it'll be out of the question for a few weeks, anyway, so I'd love to get festival in! So, I will see y'all next week for another blog post. Keep your eyes on Jesus...He loves you!