Songs of Joy - My Journey In Classical Voice

Friday, March 28, 2014

Voice Lesson #32

Today's lesson was great, as always! We started out with exercises to warm up with, and then worked on a new song and I was given music for 2 others, which makes 4 new songs that we're working on. One of them is in one of my books. My teacher chose songs that would not take me to far to my top, so as not to strain my abs just yet. The two that we worked on, lie pretty much in the Passaggio area, which is still very difficult for me. I am really trying to work on that. Engagement is getting easier, though when I really tighten those ab muscles, I certainly feel the pain, still. I am getting there, though! I am excited about working on these new songs..each song we do is always a challenge in many ways, and now I have next years Festival to look to, and work towards. Each year we have to advance, so next year will be more difficult, I'm sure. I am looking forward to the challenge! The bad news about this weeks lesson, is that I did not realize that my recorder was low on memory and so it only recorded 15 minutes of the hour lesson. I realized something was a miss when I went to turn the recorder off and it was already off. I asked my teacher if she had turned it off, which is fine with me, if she does...I just didn't remember doing it and was trying to figure out what had happened. Well, I realized what went wrong, when I got home and went to transfer the recording to the computer. UGH...only 15 minutes!! I was sick over it! But it taught me to always check for memory!! I will not forget again! Well, that's all I have for this week. Y'all have wonderful day and keep your eyes on Jesus..and if you don't know Him, what are you waiting for?? :)

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