Songs of Joy - My Journey In Classical Voice

Monday, June 3, 2013

Voice Lesson # 3

So, today was my third voice lesson. Had to miss last week because of Memorial day. Anyway, I must say that after my lesson today, I was feeling quite discouraged. Not only is learning to do everything different, quite difficult, but I was also battling extreme Phlegm, today. Gross, I know, but a fact. As for technique, I am having a lot of trouble getting the sound to come from my abdomen, as opposed to my throat. I have extreme tension in my throat that just doesn't wanna give up! My teacher reminded again, though, that making "bad sounds" is just about as important as making good ones. Good thing! hehe! Now, not only did we go over some different vocal exercises, but we also started a song, which is fun, but difficult! The range is quite high for me...but my teacher is trying to keep me in the head voice, at least most of the time. That is where most of my problems seem to be, though we haven't explored the chest voice much at this point, but I'm sure there will be issues there, as well. The good news is that when I got home, I began to listen to my lesson and slowly found encouragement in her direction. This is what is so great about recording the lessons..not only do I get to go over everything we practiced, but I get to hear all of her direction, again and again. Just the reminders, of what to do and what NOT to do. Each week there seems to be more, seemingly small things to do..adjustments, here and there, but they make a huge difference in the long run. It's all part of technique. There is just so much to learn and so many bad or incorrect habits for me to break. I am reminded again today, that I am in for the long haul. This is going to be no easy feat, getting me to sing properly AND sound good. All I can do is keep practicing the way I am being instructed to, and hopefully, at some point, it will pay off..actually, I know it will, it will just take some time..ok, maybe a lot of time, but I will not give up and will not be discouraged...well, maybe for a moment I might get discouraged, but it won't last! I will not give up! Thank you, Jesus for a great teacher who is willing to take on a challenge!


  1. I am here to hug and hold you through the tough spots bupkie... I love YOU!

  2. Aww, thank you, Bup. I love you, too, and am here for you in the BBQ hard times :)
