Songs of Joy - My Journey In Classical Voice

Monday, August 26, 2013

Voice Lesson #13

So, today I had voice lesson #13! It was good! I mentioned last week that I have a major lack of confidence when singing for my teacher.. on one hand, it's normal to feel not so confident when singing for someone who is so outstanding at it, but on the other hand, I can't let it effect the way I sing because when I do, my teacher does not get an accurate look/listen at what I am really accomplishing. She is getting cheated, and I don't want that. So..I am working very diligently to get over this mental block. It's difficult but I will get there. She makes it easier, too, because she is so very patient and makes me, and I'm sure all of her students, feel comfortable with sharing our vocal inadequacies with her. Now, The Passaggio area is still difficult, especially with exercises that have their notes very close together... Leap exercises tend to be much easier. Tension is also still a factor. It's better when I am practicing at home, but I will improve with time, and lots and lots of PRACTICE!. My teacher told me today that I am definitely getting there..progress is taking place, it just takes time. And believe me, I realize this. She gave me some new things to try at home and since we have two weeks until my next lesson, because of Labor Day, I am looking forward to hopefully showing some improvement by the time I go back. I'm always excited to try the new exercises and techniques she shows me, always confident they will help. Everything takes time, though...and effort. Even the best exercises will not work without practice, and lots of it. If I or anyone else wants to become really great at something, whatever it might be...whether it's Classical Voice, Piano, Guitar, Tennis, Golf, Cooking..whatever it is, you HAVE to work at it, and work hard. My husband does professional Competition BBQ. He's heading into his 4th year. I have watched him fail and be disappointed, time and time again, but he has never given up. Persistence and determination to be the best BBQ cook he can be, has prevailed. He's not a quitter. It's the same with me and Voice. I will not give up. I will not slack. I will continue to go at it head on with determination, discipline, and perseverance. It's the only way to do it. However, there is one thing, that without it, for my husband and I, both, we can do nothing. That one thing is Jesus Christ. He is our Rock, and it's on Him we stand and rely. John 15:5 says that, without Him, we can do nothing. This is the truth, in our lives. Jesus has blessed Jeff with amazing BBQ coaches, who truly care and are incredibly talented and knowledgeable..and He's blessed me with a Classical voice teacher who is amazingly talented and knowledgeable, as well, and who sincerely cares for her students. She is also blessed with an ability to teach that is nothing short of brilliant. These people are all gifted by God and their gifting is a blessing from God to Jeff and I. Wow, how can we not thank Jesus for all of this! All glory to Him! So, to wrap's lesson was good, I have much to work on, and lots of practice in my future! I LOVE IT!